Shubhasis Haldar
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, CBS, SNBNCBS
Activity leader, Technical Research Centre, SNBNCBS
Associate Fellow, Indian National Science Academy (INSA)
Fellow of International Union of Pure & Applied Biophysics (IUPAB)
I am interested in developing single-molecule technologies to understand intricate biological problems

Milan Patra
Post Doctoral Research Associate
Former Post Doctorate, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
PhD, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
I am interested in studying the mechanical regulation of senescence at a single-cell resolution.

Amarnath Pal
Post Doctoral Research Associate
Former Research And Development Specialist,
Former Application Scientist,
Imperial Life Sciences (P) Limited
PhD, Nottingham University
I am interested in unraveling the mechanism of Mechanically modulated tumor-immune cell crosstalk in cancer (3D).

Nirmalendu Mukherjee
Developmental mechanobiology

Pallav Baraya
Mechanobiology of brain development